Our Mission Statement


By God’s enabling power, we teach students to pursue spiritual, academic, and physical excellence by providing quality instructional programs in a loving atmosphere.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.."

John 3:16 KJV 




Christian Schools of Springfield has been used of God to train thousands of students in the Greene County area for over sixty years. CSOS, a ministry of Baptist Temple, began under the direction of Dr. Harry Vickery in 1963. The burden of Dr. Vickery, the founding pastor of the church, was to provide a quality Christian education for children of all ages.


The first graduating class for CSOS was the class of 1972. Throughout the years of the school’s existence, CSOS graduates have distinguished themselves in many areas.


CSOS is currently a member of the Missouri Association of Christian Schools and the American Association of Christian Schools. The school is strongly academic in its emphasis, orthodox in its doctrine, and conservative in its approach.



Christian Schools of Springfield’s primary reason for existence is to assist the home in their responsibility of educating the whole child and the church in making disciples. Ultimately, our goal is for students to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and to be prepared for a life of service to God and to humanity out of love, for His glory (John 3:16; Matt. 6:33; 16:26; I Cor. 13; 10:31).


Christian Schools of Springfield cannot overemphasize the importance of faithful attendance in church (Heb. 10:23-25). It is vital in support of the Christian home. One’s commitment to Christian education, as offered at CSOS, is evidenced by the family’s commitment to the local church. Christian Schools of Springfield is not a substitute for regular family worship.


School Verse:

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."
-Psalm 19:14



The educational philosophy of Christian Schools of Springfield is based on the Word of God (Ps. 1; 119:105, 130; Prov. 1:7; II Tim. 3:15-17). The principles of Scripture are the basis of faith and practice in the school. The curriculum is taught from a Biblical, Christ-centered perspective so that students will learn that God’s truth is absolute and culturally relevant (Col. 1:12-20).


Every staff member has accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and affirms his/her belief in the doctrinal statement of Christian Schools of Springfield, Missouri (John 3:7). Each staff member affirms his/her commitment to live an authentic Christian life as an example before the students (1 Tim. 4:12). We seek teachers who sense a calling of God to Christian education, who are well-qualified in their field, love students, treat them with dignity, and seek to be consistent in discipline (Eph. 6:4; 1 Cor. 13).


Christian Schools of Springfield provides a two-year-old through twelfth grade program. A strong emphasis is placed on reading, writing, computational skills, thinking, good study habits, the development of Christian character, and a disciplined approach to the pursuit of knowledge. Physical development is strongly encouraged as well as participation beyond the classroom. It is our desire to provide an educational environment where students are taught to pursue spiritual, academic, and physical excellence for life (Luke 2:52).


It is our objective that Christian Schools of Springfield be distinguished as a place where: truth and knowledge are taught, God is revealed, wisdom is sought, integrity is expected, excellence is applauded, leaders are developed, service is encouraged, and participation is cultivated for the glory of God (I Cor. 10:31).


The Word of God is the foundation of relevancy that we employ to give our students a well-rounded education. The Bible is not only relevant for time, but for eternity.







Meet our Team



Gregory Arnold



Background: Born and raised in Maine. Saved at fourteen years of age.


Family: Mr. & Mrs. Arnold met at Bible college and have been married for forty-two years. They have three children and, so far, three grandchildren.


Education: Bachelor degree and Master degree in education. Ordained in 1984.


Ministry: Served as an Administrator/Principal, teacher in Christian day schools for twenty-nine years. Of those twenty-nine years, twenty-seven of them serving also as an associate pastor. He began out of college in Virginia, then Maine, Massachusetts, and Missouri. Intermittently, he served as a senior pastor in Maine for twelve years. Mr. Arnold stated, “The past forty-one years have been blessings and challenges. We have had the joy of serving our Lord and meeting a whole host of wonderful people along the way.”


Favorites: watching Lord of the Rings Trilogy, playing Chess, snacking on Smarties, red, enjoying family time, reading, visiting historical sites, and watching baseball

LaVonne Arnold



Background: Born is Southern California but raised in Texas and Missouri. Preacher's kid from the age of five. Saved at the age of eight. The oldest of four children. 


Family: Married to college sweetheart for forty-two years. Mother to two boys and a girl. Mother-in-law to two special ladies that God provided. Grammy to one boy and two girls at this point.


Education: Privileged to graduate from a Christian high school, bachelor’s degree in Christian Education.


Ministry: First teaching position straight from college was with 22 kindergartners. Over the years have taught some part of almost all grades including high school. Have been Mr. Arnold’s secretary off and on for a total of sixteen years. Mr. Arnold has been employment boss for most of the forty-two years of marriage. When he wasn’t direct boss, she was pastor’s wife. Mrs. Arnold shared, “My Heart’s desire is to serve the Lord wherever He puts me. He has done so much for me; I could never do enough to thank Him.”


Life Verse: II Corinthains 5:15 “And that He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.”


Favorites: eating at Texas Roadhouse and Chick-fil-A, the colors Cherry Yellow and Royal Blue, snacking on Milk Chocolate (Dove or Lindor Truffle), and enjoy reading and watching Hallmark movies

Titus Arnold


Sara Atwell


Kathryn Burney


Shelly Conn

After Care


About Me: I moved to the Springfield area last year after graduating from Pensacola Chrisitian College with a degree in Music Education-Insturmental Emphasis. I am married and have a young kitten named Hamilton.

Teaching: I teach all kinds of instuments, like flute, clarinet, saxophone, piano, voice, and even beginning brass. 

Favorites: In my free time, I love relaxing with a warm cup of coffee and getting lost in a good mystery book. 

Shannon Conrad


Alyssa Corwin

5th, 6TH GRADE

Jessica Courtney



My first opportunity to teach was in the 3rd grade. My youth church teacher allowed those of us interested to prepare a lesson to present to our peers. Little did she know just how thorough I planned to be, as I prepared songs, a story, review, and even a game. Soon after the 3rd grade, I participated in teaching competitions and undertook teaching occasionally at a local museum. Once I reached high school, it was very obvious that teaching fulfilled me in a way that nothing else did. Still, funnily enough, it took until senior year for me to consider pursuing teaching as a career. While attending Pensacola Christian College, God helped me to realize my true calling as a Christian School Teacher, and I fell in love with the absolute beauty of a Christian school classroom. The precision of how well it could run, the endless amounts of learning that could be accomplished, and the huge love of Jesus that I could pour out to each student are truly why I love teaching. Having it come to life, though, as I began my first year teaching my own students in 2019, was a blessing far surpassing anything I could ever imagine. I was once told that teaching isn’t a passion, it’s simply a job. With only having taught a few years, I can’t fathom someone believing in that ideology, as I have learned from and felt my heart grow for my students more and more each year. The unfathomable amount of love I have for each of my students, past and present, cannot begin to compare to the love Jesus has for each of them, but seeing each student grow, even beyond my classroom, confirms that I am exactly where I need to be. I’m so grateful for a Savior who not only has a plan for each and every one of us, but also allows us to develop a passion for the position He has for us to serve in.


My goal as a teacher is to love each student as much as I possibly can. Of course, beyond that, each teacher has the desire for their students to learn. For me, my prayer is that each child comes to love learning, reading, working hard, obeying the Lord, and valuing others. 


Random cool facts: 

  • I adore coffee to possibly an unhealthy amount. If we had a 24/7 coffee shop in town, I’d be in trouble. 
  • If I could go anywhere in the world, I would pick Ireland or Greece. 
  • I love the mountains more than the beach (as I’ve been blessed to live in around both), but both can be truly spectacular. 
  • My favorite human in the entire world is my husband as he shows me Christ’s love in a new way each day. Next in line are my students. 


I enjoy:

  • books (ha, aren’t teachers required to?)
  • music (both listening and playing)
  • creating things through crochet, bulletin board planning, and organizing. 
  • Christmas (it truly is the most wonderful time of the year, and you will never convince me otherwise)

Tom Dye


Caitlin Estep

Elementary Aide/CUSTODIAN

Rylea King

After Care

RaeLene Salisbury

early childhood


“I joined the staff at CSOS in the fall of 1981 after graduating from Baptist Bible College. Working with children has been something I have loved to do since I was old enough to babysit and this school holds a special place in my heart because I also graduated from here in 1978. I thank God everyday for this ministry, the children I get to enjoy and the blessing it has been to me and my family.”-Miss Salisbury

Kimberly Tate



About Me: I moved to the Springfield area about 10 years ago. My husband and I have 2 boys, which attend CSOS. I previously worked 10+ years as a sign langage interpreter before switching careers and am now working as a office manager.

What I do at School: This is my second year teaching art at CSOS, I have done the yearbook for the past 3 years, have made the kindergarten graduation slide shows for the last 2 years, I work with Shannon Conrad and the PTA, update the website, and help with tech issues when they pop-up. 

Favorites: I love caramel mochas, milk chocolate, cheese pizza, musk and fruit scents (like Bath & Body works Mahogany Teakwood or Black Cherry Merlot), watching my kids play sports, photography, cross-stitch (when I find the time), listening/reading YA Fiction, baking, making various kinds of art, and I am always itching to travel. 

Brenda Wyrick



I wanted to be a teacher, since I was in 5th grade. I went to a Christian college and became a teacher. I taught for two years then my hubby and I had 5 kids in 7 years. I decided to teach them at home, since I had a degree. I loved it! When my kids all went to college and got married, I decided to go back teaching!


My favorite things are: my husband (who recently became a cow farmer), my 5 kids, and 7 grandkids! Anytime I have the opportunity, my husband and I travel to visit our kids and grandchildren. 


Interesting facts: I was raised in Illinois near Chicago on a crop farm, with 5 siblings. We milked our 2 cows and butchered our own cows we raised. We never had a TV in our house to entertain us, but made lots of great memories playing outside and playing board games during the evenings. Another interesting fact: My first two kids have their birthdays on the same day one year apart.

Anita Yates
